It would help if you remembered that your HABITS determine the quality of your life. The things you do daily – good and bad – are the biggest influencers on who you are and how you feel. Therefore, The Habit of Being Grateful is the first and most important habit that you should adopt – daily! Above all, make your habits positive. In other words, there is power in developing simple, positive daily habits. After all, such discipline and commitment open up a whole world of freedom.

“People do not decide their futures. They decide their habits and their habits decide their future.”

F. Matthias Alexander

Being Grateful Can Change Your Life

Small habits, when practiced with consistency, create benefits that accumulate and snowball. In other words, small actions practiced daily can yield unbelievable results. These simple actions done consistently are the absolute key to success here. After all, it is this ritual of making an effort daily to act in a certain way that creates the habit! Therefore, if you start your day right, you will continue it right! Above all, be aware that your life today is the sum of the choices that you have made! In addition, the choices you make today and tomorrow make your life going forward. There can be no walking away from this fact!

A Daily Gratitude Habit

THE most important daily habit that you can develop is to write in a Gratitude Journal. After all, by expressing your gratitude in writing, you are 100% focused on what you are grateful for whilst you are writing!

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you focus on what you don’t have, you will never, ever, have enough!”

Oprah Winfrey

This is THE benefit of writing daily with a pen. Above all, you must write five things you are grateful for today or yesterday if you are writing in the morning! In other words, if your routine is to write first thing in the morning, as I do, you are writing about what you are grateful for from the previous day. Therefore, the key here is that you are focusing on what you have in your life that you are grateful for today – in the present! In other words, your mind is NOT focused on what you don’t have or want. Or worse still, not focused on what someone else has and that you also want! After all, creating the routine, The Habit of Being Grateful, is THE best way to start your day – EVERY DAY! How to

What are YOU Grateful for – daily?

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”

Marcus Cicero

The first of life’s ‘gifts’ that we all must be grateful for is that we have a pulse! After all, if you wake every morning and still have a pulse, you have been gifted the ‘gift’ of life. Therefore, is that not THE most important thing to daily be grateful for? DO NOT simply take this ‘gift’ for granted, as most of us do! For instance, as you wake, each morning still breathing and moving freely. Be aware that many in the world will have taken their last breath, and life is over for them.

Similarly, how many of us take for granted that we can see, speak and hear clearly? In other words, these are precious ‘gifts’ that we MUST learn to express gratitude daily and not simply take as a given! Therefore, it’s vital that we MUST find the time and space to express such gratitude in a Gratitude Journal daily!. Above all, it is this routine that creates The Habit of Being Gratefuldaily. And THE best way to do that is to write in a Gratitude Journaldaily.

Gratitude is a Vitamin Pill

Please, think of The Habit of Being Grateful as a ‘vitamin pill’ for the soul. Therefore, as we daily take vitamin pills to nurture our physical bodies. Similarly, we need to nurture our spirit or soul – daily. Because we are made up of Body, Mind, and Spirit, we need to nurture all three components – daily! In addition, be aware that gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The Gratitude Journey

“The more that you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”

Zig Ziglar

Gratitude Increases Your Health & Happiness

“If a person could do only one simple thing to increase their health and happiness then expressing gratitude on a regular basis must be it.”

Steven Bartlett

The Habit of Being Grateful is what this young gentleman is also referring to. And there is no better way of doing that than writing daily in a Gratitude Journal! Steven Bartlett+ Therefore, I would highly recommend that you read this young mans 2021 recently released book – Happy Sexy Millionaire! Here is another simple but extremely relevant quote:

“Gratitude has transformed me from feeling what I have isn’t enough to feeling like it’s more than enough – and it’s made me feel like I’m enough.

Steven Bartlett

In Conclusion

The Habit of Being Grateful – daily is a simple and easy way to transform your thinking. In other words, this simple daily ritual of writing in a Gratitude Journal subtly changes your mindset. After all, our lives are dominated by our mindset. In other words, we are what we think, say, and do. And it all starts – dailyin our mindset!

You can subscribe to a FREE 1 hour-plus presentation on the importance of focusing on your mindset here – – and wait for the pop-up registration form. Therefore, starting the ritual of writing – daily in a Gratitude Journal may be the initial motivation. But the positive transformation comes from making it a daily habit – 365 of the year every year. In other words, it MUST become a core part of who you are – daily, day after day, month after month, year after year! In other words, The Habit of Being Grateful defines who you are – a grateful, happy, contented person – EVERY DAY!

“The Greatest Enemy in Life is the Self.”


The Habit of Being Gratefuldaily is THE BEST way to protect yourself from being your own worst enemy!

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